Libertas Legislator Profiles

Legislator Profile: Senator John Johnson

Name: John Johnson
Type: Senator
Party: Republican
District: 3
Mobile: 801-391-2521

Libertas Legislator Index Rankings

The following rating measures how consistently this legislator votes in support of individual liberty, private property, and free enterprise. To learn more, see the main index page.

2021202220232024 Overall Rating
79%72%88%96% 84%

To see the specific votes used to rank this legislator, click the link in the table above for any of the yearly percentages listed.

Sponsored Ranked Bills

This legislator was the sponsor of the following bills, which were ranked by Libertas Institute in their respective year's Legislator Index.

  • SB238: Independent Contractor Benefits Tax Credit Amendments (2024)
    This bill creates a limited tax credit for contractors who buy portable benefits or other basic insurance.

    This bill received a 24-0 Senate vote but did not receive a House vote. Libertas supports a "yea" vote.
  • SB233: Portable Benefit Plan (2023)
    This bill created a pathway for independent contractors and gig workers to access affordable coverage options without being classified as an employee.

    This bill passed the Senate 25-0 and passed the House 71-2. Libertas supports a "yea" vote.
  • SB242: Alternative Education Tax Credit Amendments (2021)
    This bill would have provided a one-time tax credit for individuals who incurred expenses related to the education of their children outside of public school during Covid-19.

    This bill failed in the Senate, 12-14. Libertas supports a "yea" vote.

View this Senator's official legislative page.

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